Hair Regrowth and Fungus?
Jerry Watt
I recently began testing an antifungal diet as offered by Doug
Kaufmann. Kaufmann's theories are very intriguing and he offers
good, strong evidence that many of our modern illnesses have been
brought about by antibiotics which kill off good germs in our guts
and allow bad germs (including fungi) to flourish.
One of his articles is about hair loss and it suggests that skin
fungi may be a contributing factor to hair loss. He writes:
"Ponder this thought: skin fungi are known to contribute to hair
loss in some cases. Several years ago, a popular exercise magazine
addressed baldness as a side-effect of anabolic steroid use in
athletes. The author of the article recommended that readers use
Nizoral shampoo to combat this condition, which was available by
prescription then, but is now an over-the-counter product. Nizoral
is an antifungal. Why would an antifungal help relieve baldness in
those athletes? Could it be that the cause of their baldness was, in
fact, a latent fungal infection which became activated due to the
influx of hormone and steroid intake?"
You can read the full article at:
So, I began wondering about butter. Is it an antifungal? Is this
why the Tibetan monks recommended rubbing butter into our scalps as
a means of hair regrowth? I looked up a website about the benefits
of butter and, in the section on "Butter & Gastrointestinal Health"
it stated that, "[s]hort and medium chain fatty acids [found in
butter] protect against pathogens and have strong anti-fungal
effects. Butter thus has an important role to play in the treatment
of candida [a fungus] overgrowth."
You can read the full article here:
It may be that hair loss is, in part, caused by a skin fungus and
that butter's antifungal properties help rejuvenate the scalp by
killing off that fungi. This is speculative, of course, but intriguing.
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