. . . hidden in the high Himalayas 2,500 years ago, Tibetan Lamas developed
five simple range of motion exercises they called "Rites." These Rites have
remarkable powers of rejuvenation; indeed, they have rightfully been called a
"Fountain of Youth."
Actual reported benefits from the Five Rites are legion. They include:
- greater energy
- increased sex drive
- a more youthful appearance
- diminished grey hair
- hair regrowth
- weight loss
- improved eyesight
- better memory
- enhanced sense of well-being
- longer life
The Five Rites are comparatively easy to practice and can be performed in 15 -
30 minutes. The cost-benefit ratio is rather favorable.
In 1939, Peter Kelder published The Eye of Revelation, a small book which
revealed the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation to the West. He republished it in
1946 with new information, but both editions were nearly lost. While the
originals were languishing, millions of reprint copies were sold under the titles:
- The Five Rites of Rejuvenation" (Borderland Sciences, 1969)
- The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth (Harbor Press, 1985)
In more recent years, new editions were published:
- The Five Tibetans by Christopher S. Kilham (Healing Arts Press, 1994)
- The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan by Carolinda Witt, (Three Rivers Press,
- The Eye of Revelation: The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation edited by
J. Watt (Booklocker, 2008).
Some were faithful to Kelder's original texts, most were not. The Borderland
Science's editions and the Booklocker edition are faithful renditions of the
1939 and 1946 editions of the Eye of Revelation.
This website is all about the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: their history,
their practice, theories about how and why they work, where to find more
information and support. Here you will learn the fascinating story of how a
mysterious Colonel Bradford (Major-General Sir Wilfrid Malleson) discovered
the Five Rites in a Tibetan monastery and brought them to the West. His
friend, Peter Kelder, published them in 1939 and republished them in 1946.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is that James Hilton, author of Lost
Horizon, had a hand in bringing the Five Rites to the West. Hilton's story is
about a secret Tibetan monastery hidden in the Himalayas where life
extension is practiced, a monastery called Shangri-La.
Our Purpose
A few short years ago (though it seems like a lifetime, now) I purchased an
original copy of Peter Kelder's 1946 edition of the Eye of Revelation with no
other thought than to simply enjoy owning a scarce copy of a book that was
important to me.
I quickly found that many errors had been introduced into modern reprint
editions of Kelder's text. Before long I began thinking about finding someone
to republish the 1946 edition, and tried to find a buyer for it. Failing that, I
decided to republish the 1946 myself. I wanted to correct the errors that had
been introduced into some modern editions. In January of 2008 our reprint
edition of the 1946 Eye of Revelation was published by Booklocker.com.
Shortly after republishing the 1946 edition, I also found an original copy of
Kelder's 1939 edition. This was an impossible find and I can only attribute my
"luck" to some higher power. We find ourselves in the unique position of
being able to preserve our originals for future generations, and that is what
we intend to do.
No book can survive forever unless it is continuously and accurately
republished. Today there are only two known surviving copies of the 1939
edition. And just one of the 1946. Without these originals, Kelder's true work
might have been lost forever. It was a very close call.
My purpose is to find ways to preserve Peter Kelder's authentic message,
then get that message into the hands of the public were it can circulate
without the interference of misguided editors and entrepreneurs who think
they know the Rites better than Peter Kelder, Colonel Bradford or even the
Tibetan lamas who created them.

All elements of this website and its sub-pages (including--but not
limited to--html, text, photographs and graphics) are fully copyrighted.
All rights are reserved.
Last Updated: November 26, 2014
What's New?
A Document Com-
parison file has
been added to our
CD of the Eye of
Revelation Scans.
This doc compares
word for word the
1939 and 1946
editions, and shows
what was deleted
from the 1939 and
what was added to
the 1946. A fascinat-
ing study.
No increase in price
for the CD. The
comparison doc is FREE!
Read more.
-------------------- READ THE
the 1939 and the
1946 original editions
(not reprints) of the Eye of Revelation
have been scanned
and are now
available on one CD.
These are the rarest
of the rare. Now,
you can read the
originals for yourself.
Now with a free
document compari-
son of the 1939 &
1946 editions.
See "Books n' Stuff."
New! Document Comparison File
for the 1939 & 1946 Editions. Read More. Buy!
Reprint of the
"lost" 1946 edition
of the Eye of
The authoritative
edition with impor-
tant changes from
the 1939 text,
along with vital
new information.
See "Books n' Stuff."